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  • Writer's pictureRyan Brown

Thankfulness Is Supreme Spirituality

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Without building the habit of thankfulness it can be easy to slip into indifference for the blessings we have in life

What is it about human nature that has us prone to indifference to the liberties and securities we are blessed with? Just as an example, I remember desperately needing a reliable first car to gain some personal independence when I was a teenager. There came a day when my older sister gifted me her car and I was so excited and grateful for the first few months of ownership. But then I began to just take my car and new found independence for granted. I noticed the same pattern regarding my house and career. My spouse and my children. Above all I assumed my health would always be there for me. One day I woke up and perceived just how unhappy my mindset had become during everyday life. There were moments in my life where deep down I knew I had so much to be grateful for, but I had developed a negative outlook on life through my habit of carelessness towards my blessings.

Today's article is about making a conscious decision to be thankful for not only the good things in our lives, but also the perceived negative things and challenges we face. I believe there is a focused path that thankfulness leads us on: Thankfulness leads to praise. Praise encourages unity. Then finally, unity fosters strength.

Thankfulness Leads To Praise

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God...
Psalm 50:14

I am grateful to the one who strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord - 1 Tim 1:12

Building the habit of finding things to be thankful for each day can take some time and effort on our part. One way I've been teaching myself and my kids how to be thankful is to name three things we are grateful for at dinner time (or whenever we are all together). Sometimes my eight year old daughter has to sit and really think about it. What's been interesting is that sometimes we start naming stuff we are thankful for and it just keeps flowing out of us to about 10+ things. The whole mood in the room changes from indifference to happiness and joy simply by thinking about the things we're thankful for! When a person feels happy instead of indifferent it becomes easier to express praise to God.

The Oxford dictionary definition of praise is, 'to express warm approval or admiration of (especially deity).' To give praise to God doesn't necessarily mean we throw our hands up in the air and shout for joy everywhere we go (although that is one way to express it) but rather opening our heart and mind fully to the presence of God in our lives. If we love our spouse or children we have our own little ways of praising them to let them know through out the day that we appreciate and love them. The same applies for our praise to God.

Praise Encourages Unity

I am Yahuah, the God of all humanity... God and Father of all, who is over and through all and in all.
Jeremiah 32:27; Ephesians 4:6

Unity doesn't require uniformity. Uniqueness and variety is devine

I'd like to start off by distinguishing the difference between unity and uniformity. It's easy to confuse the two at times. When two or more people are in unity there is tolerance and acceptance of diversity within the group. While those in uniformity believe that everyone must have the same form and manner in order to remain in the group. God created all of humankind in his likeness (Genesis 1:27). That signals to me that humanity as a whole - at the very least - has the potential for unity with each other as well as with God. We become united with each other through our praise or warm approval of God in our lives. There isn't a need for uniformity in the way we carry out expressing our love and admiration for the Creator. I don't believe the Creator is particularly fond of uniformity when it comes to praise. Every human being has uniqueness built into them physically, emotionally and spiritually that I believe is by design of our Creator. So that in turn means we have the ability to praise God in our own unique way - together!

Unity Fosters Strength

But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things ascend into Christ, who is the head. From him the whole body grows, fitted and held together through every supporting ligament. As each one does its part, the body grows in love.
Ephesians 4:15-16

For in fact the body is not a single member, but many. - 1 Cor 12:14

Ephesians 4 is referring to those who choose to follow Christ as becoming one spiritual body in unity growing in strength. Every person has a unique quality to bring to the whole (notice the lack of uniformity?), and as the spiritual body develops it grows stronger and stronger. Love is the strength of the spiritual body of God, aka us!

1 Corinthians 12 talks about how the eye cannot say that it is greater than the hand nor the hand say it's greater than the foot. Each member of the body has a specific and glorious role to play that benefits the body on the whole. The human body is working at it's peak capabilities when all of it's members are fully formed, functioning and healthy. We call that strength and hold events every four years called the Olympics to celebrate it. In the same sense when those who are united in the body of God are practicing love for mankind, that love spreads into our neighborhoods and cities. Our children grow up learning in a culture of love for their fellow man, rather than in fear of anyone who isn't in uniformity with them. That's the strength of being united in the practice of love.

I was surprised when the idea of writing this article came to my mind. I'm like you, I'm on a journey of becoming enlightened and empowered through seeking after God. Although the path can be mysterious at times, I know that the Spirit of God is guiding us as we claim our right as members of God's spiritual body. It all begins with thankfulness. Cheers friends.

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